Jul 22, 2016

RDW National Service for Road Trafic :-)

The RDW, our National Service for the Road Trafic saw the Bleu Lord wedneysday. In the burning heat, temperatures rose to 36 degrees Celcius, the bleu one was inspected. Well at least, in the morning of this day when it became 36 degrees, I was there around 9 o'clock in the morning.

Ready for the road.

Pip was anxious to accompanie us.

 Turning the 33 to the Highway, on my way tot the inspection.
You should've heard the boxer growl.

The inspection did not go as aspected; I hadn't mentioned that I swapped the old 1350 ccm engine for the more powerful 1712 ccm from my old Tulipwoodracer, the QV.
This delayed the proces, but eventually did not frustrate it. The public servant asked me to declare where the 1712 engine came from. So I did. And I only had to fill in one form. The servant had to read the exact engine number on the block. I thought I'd be clever and make a little note beside the battery, good visible in the engine compartment. The servent however had to read the exact number where it was engraved in the cast iron block. That lasted a while because my note wasn't correct, I forgot to copy the code properly, so I myself had to sand the block and read the AR code instead of a A code to the public servant in duty.
After that the inspector checked the underbody and weighted the car: 1068 kgs in full armour.
After the inspection the bill was around 160 euros, just to register the car.

In the inspaection hall a rather fine C6 V6 HDI rolled up from behind.

The 33 with the unknown engine...

Some foreign bugs flew inside the hall

Underbody: check

Even Marianne was pleased to see any progress, at last (left side)

The second part was to establish the amount of taxes (BPM) I wouold have to pay. Therefor I had to declare what amount the carbon dioxide was  the car produces. This was the funny (!) part. Several forms and notices I checked to establish the amount. More than one hour I spent reading and calling to the Tax services call center. I had to calculate the amount for the declaration, knowing that my car was older than 25 years, and the taxes would be put on € 0. In the mentioned heat I was calculating like a cockchafer to find out the (BPM) taxes. (Dutch citizens have te calculate their taxes, and when they're lucky the calculations will be checked immediately by the tax office servants.)
In despair I read my declaration form to see what I had to do when the amount was calculated, when I read in the last line of the form, in small capital: cars over 25 years need not to make a tax calculation, taxes will be zero....
Have a nice day.

At least the 33 had some fine company on the parking lot.

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