Last week my neighbour Omer gave me a battery. After recharging it seemed to work perfectly so I put it in my Bleu Lord. To test my engine again, and to secure that it runs every now and then, I started it. At least I tried. Obviously something went wrong, because I hadn't even turned the ignition key to ignition, and it started already. Strange matter. So by turning the key to stand by, the starter engine already began its work. Turning the key to ignite, started the boxer engine, but het starter engine kept running. That was not good. My other neighbour, Mike, meant it could be the relay in the starter engine or leading to the starter engine. I looked it up in hte manual, and yes, there is only one relay between the ignitionswitch and the starter engine. Exactly, the one in the aterter engine.
So yesterday I swapped the starter engine in the Bleu Lord by another spare one from my famous cellar. Actually this one came from my grey SW.
That didn't work out. The fault remained. So my second guess is the starter / ignition switch in the dash. I changed that a month ago by the one from again the grey SW, to make sure I needed only two keys for my Blue Lord, instead of three (left door, petroltank and the ignition/right door).
So now I have to remount the ignition lock again and remove the fault.
At least I have no
whole in the engine wall. Good luck, Bert.
Original Bosch starter engine, made in Germany.
The swap was complete, the result can't be seen on this picture.
Ignition key on the loose... damned.