Aug 8, 2012

More bumpers, front

Now the front bumper is to disassemble. Luckily the rust isn't that worse on the attachement elements. So only the bumper itself is to be sanded and painted, I reckon,

Rear bumper mounting elelmetnts, rust had some grip on them.

Front bumper with rusted screws and nuts. Maybe I'll leave it so.

Motip has two colours of Blu Lord. Alfa Romeo number 428 is the color Blu Lord, Alfa color 438 is  listed in the Motip catalogue as Alfa blu 8C. The 428 number has listed the years 18983 to 1988, 438 the the years from 1988. so I decided to order the 438 number, Alfa Blu 8C, because the year AND the number were compatible with my car. I'm curious what colour I eventually wil get.


Anonymous said...

Goed bezig Thei!

Thei Moors said...

Dank je Rens. Leuke hobby hebben wij, om weer op straat te komen werken we van de straat, maanden, jaren in een donkere garage. Dat moet goed komen.

Dank voor je reactie.