So I looked for another adjustable mirror on the Alfa Romeo Forum SCARB. In fact this is a great place to be and to virtually wander around a little bit. It is a forum, so everbody's calling out: don't expect an accurate advice when you have a technical question, there's is always another member with another opinion. (I sometime visit the FIAT forum and that's even worse).
Mechanics, in my opinion is about facts and figures, opinions not often work in this profession. It fits of it fits not! My advice, throw up a ball at the forum's and make your own plan. But it's a great place for finding cars and stuff is plenty there for reasonable prices. When you trust the seller and practice a little patience.
I found a left side mirror for my Alfa 33, and the guy who sold it even claimed it was a New Old Stock piece in it's original box. That I took 'with a good grain of salt', I guessed it couldn't be true: the fly corpses still stuck on the back side of the mirror, even on the photo. But hey, everybody has to believe his or her own stories. I payed 20 euros ex shipping and I think it is a fair price.
When I got the package however, the questionable mirror had a 'no stock' not even an original mirror glass, it didn't fit the cover of the mirror housing. It worked, but it looked dreadful.
My cellar is a gold mine, but sometimes I forget. Now I had to look for some spare parts and I knew I had a mirror dismantled in an old shoe sack. To my surprise I found in the box with the shoe sack two original mirrors, a left side and a right side mirror in a used state. Not bad at all, but used. In this state I wouldn't have put one of these on my car. But surprisingly again, they had good mirror glasses. So my sunday afternoon was saved: hobby time again.
This is my set up for the afternoon, the kitchen table with some tools and spare mirrors.
(The scale in the background was my wife's, who was baking cookies)
The NOS mirror from the Alfa Forum member: not very new at all!
My old mirror with the proper mirror glass and a respectable inside mechanism.
Mind the three colored little cables. Make a note for the color on the right place at both ends.
The adjuster with the three recieving pods for the other cable end.
The lower one is the most practicle (and original).
Put some grease on the guiding ends to make it move gently in the inner adjustment ring.
Another view from the side Adjustment ring with color (B) note.
The cables from the adjuster end.
The cables are fit in the backside of the mirrorglass with a little iron triangle.
To get them off, you'll have to bend them.
One by one they come off... but mind you..
.. you can never put them in the right place again, with the triangle in the inside of the backside of the mirror glass. (At least I don't have a trick.)
You can prevent getting the cables out of the mirror cover by clamping them together. The ring keeps the bundle to not slipping through the cover whole.
The triangle put in place on the outside of the cover backside
Don't forget to pull the cables through the inner adjustmentring on the backside. If you do, like I did, you have to pull the cabels out of the mirror cover (which you just prevented by clamping them to gether with the ring)
A trick to get the cables back in the cover again is to bundle them in a small rubber hose, that was inserted in the cover whole.
Put the hose throough the cover to bundle the cables in it...
... then pullt the hose through the whole in the mirror cover...
... puling through ...
... and Kees is ready.
Put the cables in the pods of the adjuster by pulling hard at the cables and pressing the spring.
Don't forget the two screws to fasten the inner adjustment ring on the mirror backside.
With a small brush you can finish the ALFA ROMEO logo