Three weeks my flu is now suppressing the progress. My new job does the same. For as far I can go to work, my days are a lot shorter now. In my former job my travel took 5 minutes on my bike. Now my travel lasts 45 minutes. Times 2 means one and a halve hour less sprea time per day. And that kinda sucks. At least the job is good and my new collegeas too.
The right car with the right beer (bike).
Last week I had the Bleu Lord outside, just for the feeling. Then I did some polishing, while there seems to be a spray on the paint. I fetched some 2000 grain sanding paper tot sand it off and polish it with commandant 4. That's a proper way to get rid of the spray ont the paint, but still some minor scratches remain. Some spots on the roof have been done like this and it isn't quite as I wanted it to be.
After sanding with the 2000 grain.
After on polish with Commandant 4, after the second the result was a lot better,
but still not sufficient.
but still not sufficient.
At least my badge fits fine
Some new work turned up, but hey, this car is 25 years old.
There wil be more maintenance jobs.
The polish: take a cloth, put some polish on it an spread it on the car.
Then polish ist till the cloth gets coloured. Take a clean soft cloth, (cotton wrks best, but microfiber does the trick too), and rub the paintwork clean.
Available in more grains.