Aug 16, 2012

Steering column, won't get fooled again

Today I did some fiddling again. The Itialians are geniuses in design, it always looks good, but the inner solutions aren't always that practical to work with. Example is the steering Column mantle. Once it is off, you can work around the steering column perfectly. For mounting a new starter lock I had to dismantle the cloumn. Now the lock is operable, the remantling of the mantle is horrific.
Since it is plastic, and some years old, it is hard to bend. The two mantle pieces, upper and lower part, disclose around the column, and have to touch some mounting points on the column. Once that fits, the two mantle attachement points have to meet these points. And then a long screw has to assemble the three parts. On the two lower points. The difficulty lies in the fact that the two mantle parts disclose the cloumn and the attachment point, so there's  no view on your work at all. Here starts the fiddling about, like Uncle Ernie did.
When you succeeded in mouting the four screws of the mantleparts, there's a fifth screw te tighten on the lower part, hjust above the choke handle. When the fitst part as described above, was succesful, this section won't be a problem. When you fiddled aboout too much, here's some more fiddling to do. Mind when fixing the mantle you have to position the steering wheel, the wheel might not be exactly in the middle of the mounted mantle.
I succeeded in about one hour and a half. Thank you Uncle Ernie (by the way, The Who's a great background music to listen when fiddling about, this one is obligatry, My Genereation is for the older petrol heads and this one's rather relaxing).

The claxon's power device under the wheel broke down. 
My cellars's a good source for substitutes (which is another great song of The Who)

The steering column mantle is finally in position.
 I even succeeded in mounting the starter's lock rubber thing)

The fifth screw

Some nasty scratches on my replacement QV-wheel

Original QV-wheel: G. c.p.

And when my Bleu Lord project is done, I'll be driving this one!

I want it, I want it, I want it!

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